How To Turn A Fraction Into A Percentage Without or On a Calculator

In our daily life routine, different mathematical terms play important role in our work. Turning a fraction into a percent or percent into a fraction changing is not a difficult task to do, but for this, you have to understand the mathematical fraction concept in your mind. If you are also one of those people who want to know How To Turn a Fraction Into a Percent, then we give you detailed information and a step-by-step guide; which will surely enhance your concept in many ways.

With the help of our guide, you will easily turn the fraction into a percent and also it will save your precious time. The overall process to turn a fraction into a percent is very easy, if you follow the mathematical rules completely. Let’s directly dive into depth details of turning a fraction into a percent!

How To Turn a Fraction Into a Percent

What are the basic key points to understanding the concept of turning a fraction into a percent?

Some important steps will help you to turn a fraction into a percent, these are as follows:

  • Keep in mind that fractions that are expressed as a percentage are better to understand for you, everyone.
  • In simple terms expressing a fraction as a percentage means the procedure of converting a fraction to a specific percentage.
  • Keep in mind that percentage means per hundred. The symbol of percentage or percentage shows as a symbol of %.
  • If you want to know how to find the equivalent fractions, then it is useful for you to recognize the multiples, and also understand the division will help to turn fractions into a percentage. 
  • If you are willing or want to turn the fraction into a percentage, then you should divide the numerator by the specific denominator. Then you need to multiply the recent result only by 100. Moreover, there are various alternatives to turning a fraction into a percent; but this one is the easiest method for everyone. 

What is the formula to turn a fraction into a percentage?

P = N / D * 100

This is the formula through which you can get results in percentage. With the help of this formula, you can easily turn fractions into a percent within a matter of seconds. This formula explains,

N is the numerator,

D is the denominator,

And P is the percentage.


Let’s assume, turn 5/8 into a percentage. Well, using the above formula which is P = N /D *100 will help you to solve this example in seconds.

1. In the first step, you need to multiply the 5 by 100, and then you can divide the recent results by 8,

2. After multiplying 5 by 100, you will get 500, and when you divide the 500 by 8, you will get 62.5, like

500 / 8 = 62.5

3. Finally, you will turn the fractions 5/8 into a percentage of 62.5%

Listed Questions Answers

1. What is the simple way to turn fractions into a percentage?

Answer. The simplest way to turn a fraction into a percentage is using the formula, P= n/d *100. Through this formula, you can easily turn a fraction into a percent. For instance, you have 4/5 and you need to find out the result in percent. Then using the above formula you can turn a fraction into a percent like this:

If you divide 4/5, then you will get 0.80. Now you only need to multiple 0.80 with 100, then you will get 80%.

2. How much is 3/4 fractions into a percent?

Answer. As you know the fraction 3/4 is equal to 75%, but how you can simplify this example by using the formula. The conversion of a fraction into a percent is easier if you follow the given formula,

  • Divide the 3 / 4, (where 3 is nominator and 4 is the denominator) you will get 0.75
  • In the next step, multiply the recent result by 100,

0.75 x 100, which is equal to 75

  • Finally, you turn fractions into a percent completely and keep in mind to add the % symbol to the result, 75%

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